Rules & Regulations
Library Hours:
Monday to Friday: 6.30 am to 5.00 pm
Saturday: 6.30 am to 2.30 pm
- Reading room is kept open from 6.30 am to 5.00 pm. on all working days.
- Library remains closed on Sundays and Public holidays.
Library Membership and Borrowing Facility:
All the Teaching, Non-Teaching staff members, students, and ex-students can be the member of the library.
Faculty Members of the college:
- The permanent full-time teachers, librarians can issue not more than 20 books at a time for the period of 6 months.
- The part-time (Govt. Approved) will be allowed to borrow not more than 10 at a time for 6 months.
- The Guest Teacher can issue only 1 book at a time for 2 weeks.
Non- Teaching staff members:
- The administrative staff members, Library staff, Laboratory assistants will be allowed to borrow not more than 5 books at a time for 6 months.
For student members:
- Hons. Students can borrow at most two books depending on the availability of the same in the library for 15 days, which are further renewable for 15 days. They can also issue one additional book from their seminar library attached to their concerned department.
- Students from general degree course can issue only one book from central library for 15 days for home use.
- The casual students are not allowed to issue books however they are allowed to use the reading room facilities.
Ex-Faculty members and ex-student can avail library facilities with permission from librarian except borrowing of books.
Reissue of library books:
- Students can reissue their lent out books for maximum two times provided that the books have not been on demand by any other members of the library
Issue of books for Seminar Library:
- The Head of the Departments can issue books from the Central library for their concerned seminar library.
- Issue/Return of books from seminar library is of the total responsibility of the Head of the Department.
Overdue charge:
- Overdue charge for the students is Rs. 1.00 per day per book
Loss of library book:
- In case of loss of library book, the latest edition of the lost book to be replaced to the library.
- Decision on out of print books to be taken by the library in-charge, Chairman of library sub-committee and the convener of the committee.
Library Clearance:
- Library clearance to be taken by all students before issuing Admit card.
General Rules:
- Library Card is compulsory for all enrolled students for availing of library facilities. Entry to the library will solely depend on the discretion of the Librarian.
- Misbehavior and misuse of Library Card is an offence and the student responsible for the same is liable for disciplinary action.
- The library cards are not transferable.
- At the time of entering the library, all personal belongings shall be deposited at the prescribed counter kept beside the library entrance and must be taken back when the depositor leaves the library. The library will not liable for any loss/damage caused to the unclaimed deposits.
- In case of any grievances the users should contact to Librarian or Principal.
- Readers of the library may recommend resources for procurement. The library will procure the books and journals on approval by the Library Sub-Committee.
- No admission is permitted in study room without Library Reading Room Card.
- Books / Study materials issued in the study room will have to be returned before leaving the study room.
- Books are to be issued/returned within 3.00 pm. Lending service are open to Students from Monday to Saturday.
- Reference books could be used within the library reading room only
- Printing and reprography:Printing and reprography may be done between Mondays to Friday from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
- Use of Internet is a privilege granted for class room related project/study only i.e. exclusively for educational/academic purposewith the permission of the Librarian.
The students are not allowed to use any social networking sites, playing games, etc.
Printing facilityis available to the members of the library for records searched from Internet exclusively for educational purposes at a cost of 1.00 per page. - Reprographic facility is also available to the users at Rs. 1.00 per page only for academic or research purpose. Copying and printing of personal documents are not allowed.
The Library rules framed above are subject to change from time to time as and when library committee deems it necessary to reframe the same.